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Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 9, Applied Details, Lines 1-6

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Human Design Gates & The Book of Lines: Hexagram/Gate 9, Applied Details, Lines 1-6

In our last video (and accompanying blog) about the Human Design Gates, we explored the 34th Gateway and the reality that we are all powerful beings who must use our power appropriately. 


And now we move into Hexagram/Gate 9 of the Human Design Gates, which is also in the sacral center, but in a completely different part of the chart in what we call “Logic Circuitry.” And so this 9th Gateway, which we’re going to look at now, is all about drawing details together that are essential in moving us towards an assured future. 


Now, it can be said in the world, certainly in the western world, that we’re very much attached to logic, science and proving things, rule systems, judicial systems, democracy, etc. And details are very much part of these processes. Do we have everything in place in order to be able to move forward? So through the 9th Gateway of Applied Details, attentiveness, paying attention, not much gets past us. 



There’s a part of us that’s always asking ourselves, does this fit, is this needed, is this right, does this work out, and so on. Are we going to get an assured future? It could very often happen to somebody with a 9th gateway that nothing gets past them. They notice things that other people overlook altogether. But it could also be they’re wanting all the details, so, for example, they’re listening to somebody telling a story or a joke.


And for the 9th Gateway of the Human Design Gates, all of a sudden they say hang on a minute, this doesn’t quite fit together here. I need more details. Hey, stop telling the story, give me some more details here. And the person telling the story says, stop interrupting. I’m trying to tell a story. So in the ninth gate, they say, if I don’t have all the details, I don’t know where you’re going with this. So that’s the nature of the 9th Gateway. 


Human Design Gates - Applied Details


Of course, it’s very rude to interrupt somebody in the middle of the story, but there  can just be this urgency. “If I don’t get these details, it’s not going to work out for me. I can’t tell where it’s coming from and where it’s going.” There can be an attentiveness and inherent fascination to examine anything and everything, whether it brings ultimate satisfaction or not, to the point sometimes of being obsessive. Do I have everything I need? Is everything in place here? We have to be really careful about getting obsessed with things, and just look for the bottom line of whether it’s essential or not. 


So let’s have a look at the lines. Let’s see what’s going on here and how we get all these bits and pieces together to fit into our story. 


First Line: Recommencing

So the first line, as with all first lines, is the foundation to the Hexagram. And what is the foundation of details? Details keep coming in all the time. And so the line calls itself recommencing, restarting, continually re-engaging with life from a sense of surety, the surety of sooner or later the details are going to be in place. We’re going to be ready to move forward on this. We’re going to launch ourselves into an assured future.


But the details are not going to stop. They’re going to keep coming in. You’re going to have a program all organized and set to go, and then there’ll be more details coming until everything’s in place. And if the whole channel is complete, then there’s a gut response moving forward. 


But in the meantime, the 9th Gateway of the Human Design Gates is assembling details as an essential part of life. It may be details they passed onto somebody else. It may be details to do with their job, their work in the world. But there it is. There’s always a fresh start. There’s always new input. Nothing stands still for very long. You either embrace life’s essential details or get frustrated by treating them as problems.


Now, the beauty of Human Design is we all have our Type and our Authority. We all have our own way to use energy, and we have Authority, which is our own personal decision-making process. Sooner or later, we are going to have to make a decision for ourselves in our lives. Something’s going to happen. We’re going to be guided towards making a decision.


And so the first line is saying look, get comfortable with this. Sooner or later, everything’s going to be in place. Or there’s perhaps just too much stuff going on here and it’s just problematic. 


So Pluto here with the first line says that your intense focus gives you the power to find transformative keys to situations. All of a sudden, here’s the magic key. Here we go. This is going to go now enough details are in place here. 


Mars energy is always a little pushy. Always wanting to get on with stuff, doesn’t necessarily have a lot of patience around it. You can push past problems, lose your focus, and end up getting distracted.


And it’s just that you can be in too much of a hurry. Not all the details are in place. You’re not getting that clarity to move forward, but you just move forward anyhow. And sure enough, being distracted, going off track and you lose the focus that’s needed for an assured outcome (as much as any outcome can be assured).


Second Line: Inclusion

The second line, the line of Inclusion, the energy to include and be included. Second lines always have this natural way of getting into things. They stumble on things by chance. There’s always this potential because of the 2nd Line’s natural approach to life


However, second lines can take on a certain level of doubt that I’m unsophisticated. I don’t have everything I need here. I need input from somewhere else. I need somebody else to partner with me to make this all work properly. So it’s the energy to include and be included. Your compulsion to collaborate will enhance or distract you from attaining your goals. Is this a compulsion? I need alternative input here to see if these the details are relevant. Am I good to go on this thing? So there’s a push in this second line for inclusion.


Here Pluto says you can collaborate successfully with others in recognizing fundamental details, which is basically what is really needed. What are the foundational details to be able to move forward on things successfully? So it’s just that focus, that realization of how I engage in the collaboration here, who it is that really can contribute in a way that brings about the success of the inclusion. 


And here with Jupiter, much more expansive energy, oh let’s call in all kinds of people and all kinds of influences. You call on others to play a part in your life and sometimes regret their presence and input that you have done perfectly fine on your own in the first place. However, you felt obliged to ask for input, help and assistance, and then you find out halfway whatever you’re doing that they’re not actually adding to it and I’m not able to put in my clear intent here on my own.



Third Line: Commitment


The third line has an issue around Commitment. Third lines are always the first ones in. They’re always the pioneers and have the opportunity of getting their fingers burned because they’re trying out things they don’t altogether know about.


And so a third line with this issue of commitment can get into a situation of overlooking, missing the one small but essential detail


And so a third line is questioning, is this something that really relates to me? Is this a series of details that I need to pay attention to? And if a third line is not fully committed they can overlook and miss that one small but essential element


The bottom line here is if you’re going to be in something, stay focused with it. Stay focused with whatever it is that’s going on in the moment. Being distracted, you can lose your focus for relevant details or end up fixating over trivia. I think all of us in our lives, sometimes we’ve had opportunities just to fixate over things that are completely irrelevant. We just allow ourselves to get sidetracked and it’s very easily done, doggedly proceeding when you might be better off regrouping and reviewing. 


There’s always that possibility to just step back from something and say, am I obsessing over something that’s irrelevant, or am I focusing on what it is that’s really relevant here? Or am I just in a rush to get on with something or other, and I’m not even sure that I need to be involved in this in the first place?


With the sun’s energy here, if you constantly obsess over a focus for details, you’ll get poor returns for your efforts. The word obsession is quite relevant with the 9th Gateway. Details, details, details, how much is needed, what’s essential, and that whole thing of not being clearly focused on things? You’re focusing on the obsession rather than the actual details that are relevant. And sure enough, things can go haywire and you lose track of what it is you’re trying to do, and you don’t get the results that are possible through clear involvement.



Fourth Line: Being Dependable


The fourth line always has this quality of being influential for others. People look to the fourth line to see, OK, give us the picture. Tell us what it is that you see here. And here the line says, I’m dependable. 


How is fourth line dependable? They put forward what it is that comes naturally through them. Fourth line is very much about “we are all in this together.” It’s very much heartfelt in that regard. And the moment they get double-crossed or the moment they receive disagreements in what it is they put forward, they start questioning themselves.


And here the dependability is in trusting their own nature of what details they’re putting forward … staying present and focused despite distractions in the accumulation and applying of relevant details. Ignoring distractions like oh, do I need this? Do I need that? People are telling me I need to pay attention to this and I’m not putting attention on that. And sure enough, the distraction can take one completely off track. 


And so being dependable is being dependable in oneself. Have I looked at this thing thoroughly? Am I clear about what it is I’m putting forward here? Staying true to your intent or passing over important details determines your influence in life. Do you overlook or disregard stuff? Do you fudge certain details or push them aside? If so, you become less and less effective and you start losing trust in what it is that wants to come naturally through you. 


The moon’s presence, you need the determination to act on the relevant details in all phases of a process. Stay with it. Be dependable. Stay with the process. See it through. Get all the details that are needed there.


With Mars energy here, Mars is always in a bit of a rush. Let’s get it done. Habitually pushing past essential details, you’ll eventually succumb to outside pressures. Nothing worse for a fourth line than to realize you’re completely off track with what it is you’re doing. Trusting in oneself is the most important thing here.



Fifth Line: Unquestioning


The fifth line, the teacher, the leader, the guide for other people, the line is called Unquestioning. The fifth line always has this issue about reality checks. What do people suppose the fifth line’s going to suggest or do for them? Since they’re the natural guide and leader there’s always this projection field onto a fifth line. You’re supposed to do this, you’ve got to do that. We’re relying on you to do these things. 


Amongst all the 9th Gateway lines, the fifth line has to stay so focused on what are the essential details here. They do have this gift of tuning into relevancy, but they also have the means to get totally distracted in trying to satisfy or please what they imagine people in the projection field around them expects of them.


Accomplishment comes through trust and adherence to detail. Staying with the program, what it is that’s relevant, what it is that’s really needed. Fifth lines can always have great pie-in-the-sky ideas about things, but practicality is the name of the game. Trust and adherence to essential details.


Accepting life’s bounty or doubting your needs are being met affects your capacity to be fulfilled. We live in an abundant universe but somehow or other we’ve invented words like shortage, economy, things like this. And when we limit our access to life, there’s no way we’re going to feel like life is supporting us. We’re going to feel like our needs are not getting met. 


And so the fifth line is really key in this, seeing the recognition of accepting the bounty of life. Life gives us everything. It gives us an extraordinary body to have this life experience in and the world around us. The beauty of nature and all kinds of extraordinary things.


So what are we here for in the end? What is life all about? Are we here to get a bunch of lessons or grow in our consciousness or experience love and happiness? Or ultimately, does this all wrap up into being fulfilled, so that when the curtain comes down at the end of the life, you can say, “Wow! What an amazing life! I did it all!”


And so life is very bountiful and it’s just about looking around and just accepting that we are given so many potentials here, and just seeing that if we start doubting that we’re not getting enough, then maybe there’s room for a course correction, an attitude shift. It’s important we realize we are responsible for our own life. 


After all, we have Human Design now. We have Type and Authority and our Profile and our Life Theme to give us all these keys to recognizing what it is here that brings us fulfillment. Fulfillment is an inside job. Live true to your nature = be fulfilled.



Sixth Line: Being Grateful

The overview of all things is in the sixth line. The line is called Being Grateful. The joy and intelligence to celebrate at every opportunity. To me, one of the most magical words I ever came across in this life is “Grateful.” This life is amazing. Who gave us this thing? Who gave us this experience?


Now, yes, we can find all kinds of means to complain about it, but ultimately we have this four score and ten years, or whatever it is to expand and play in this world. We can question it in all kinds of different ways, but the bottom line of it is recognizing what an extraordinary gift we have been given. And if we don’t see it as a gift, maybe we need to shift our attitude. By degree, all pressing issues are handled, giving you the space of celebration and relaxation.


This is the nature of the sixth line. All of the bits and pieces come together. Here’s what we’re playing with. We’re going forward. We’ve got our clarity and our Type and Authority and our Profile in accord, and we’re moving forward. And there’s just that satisfaction. Okay, we’ve done it! We got the rubber stamp, the jigsaw’s complete, job done! And there it is. Here’s a cause for celebration. 


And one of the things we tend to forget about is that everything in life is worth celebrating. Trees are waving around the breeze, the birds are singing, the clouds are going overhead, everything’s celebrating. The raindrops are falling. Dogs can’t help but wag their tails, even if they’re barking. They’re still celebrating. 


We get the miracle of life and here the 9th Gateway’s just saying look, have a look around. See how life is giving you all these bits and pieces to play with. What is it that comes together naturally for you to bring about this fulfillment in your life? 


Celebrate whenever you get the chance. And especially for any job well done. Celebrate the end of the day. What an amazing day. Everything went haywire but I can laugh about it. I can have this great celebration. Tomorrow’s another chance. Maybe we’ll see what happens. And it really is that realization of just coming to that point where we allow ourselves to celebrate.


And Pluto even gives it this energy. You enhance everything by celebrating, especially when you turn lemons into lemonade, when you start out with a bad hand, and somehow you pull it together and make it all work. So there it is. That’s all about our details. It’s about pulling things together, drawing to us and recognizing the essential details in life that take us towards an assured future.



You need to focus so that all the relevant features of our lives are honored at all times in all our endeavors. Nobody can necessarily tell what the future’s going to be, but it’s about setting out on the right foot. 


It’s about aiming things in a way that is going to align our lives, the fulfillment of a job well done and moving into a future that gives us a sense of assurance. Life is an inside job. Yes, it appears like there’s a lot of things happening on the outside, but internal satisfaction, gratefulness, it’s all an inside job. And we have the tools now to recognize how to access this.


That’s the wrap up for gate #9, and we’ll check in again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Applied Details and discover how your own Design informs and shapes your life, get your Free Human Design Report today. 
